Year 2007, Month 6 (Section Full Articles, Page 1095)
Specific spectral properties of a photochromic ferromagnetic (C25H23N3O3Cl)CrMn(C2O4)3•H2O
S. M. Aldoshin, N. A. Sanina, V. A. Nadtochenko, E. A. Yur´eva, V. I. Minkin, N. A. Voloshin, V. N. Ikorskii, and V. I. Ovcharenko
A molecular magnetic (C25H23N3O3Cl)CrMn(C2O4)3•H2O whose spiropyran cation contains a quaternized pyridine fragment in the side aliphatic chain was synthesized for the first time. The compound possesses the properties of a ferromagnetic with Tc = 5.2 K and photochromic properties in the crystalline state. The photochemical properties of the hybrid compound were studied by electronic and IR spectroscopies. Photochromic transformations of the spiropyran cation are accompanied by the appearance of a broad absorption band in the region 400—600 nm in the electronic spectra and by reduction of intensity of the ν(Cspiro—O) IR band at 942 cm–1.
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