Year 2007, Month 6 (Section Full Articles, Page 1166)
Oxidative polymerization of aniline on the surface of insoluble solid poly(sulfo acids) as a method for the preparation of efficient biosorbents
E. Yu. Yagudaeva, M. R. Muidinov, D. V. Kapustin, and V. P. Zubov
Polyaniline coatings of the cationexchange resin Dowex and a synthetic composite material based on silica gel surfacemodified by a sulfated styrene—divinylbenzene copolymer were prepared by precipitative polymerization of aniline on the surface of the supports. The optimal conditions for the preparation of the polyanilinecontaining material providing the formation of a thin polymeric coating on the support surface were determined. Aniline is predominantly consumed to the formation of a uniform polymeric coating about 3 nm thick with an increase in the concentration of sulfo groups on the support surface. The efficiency of using the polyanilinecontaining sorbents for the preparative isolation of DNA from plant tissue lysates was demonstrated.
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