Year 2005, Month 5 (Section Full Articles, Page 1117)
Inversion of ν(MHal) stretching frequencies in the spectra of dihalosilylenes,
-germylenes, -stannylenes, and their complexes with Lewis bases*
L. A. Leites, A. V. Zabula, S. S. Bukalov,
P. S. Koroteev, O. S. Maslennikova, M. P. Egorov, and O. M. Nefedov
The vibrational spectra of tetravalent metal halides (M = Si, Ge, Sn) and the corresponding dihalocarbene analogs MIIHal2, obtained by the authors, and the relevant published data
are compared. The spectra of the MIIHal2 species exhibit inversion of the M—Hal stretching
frequencies (νs(MIIHal) > νas(MIIHal)). This can be used for analytical purposes and allows
one to distinguish between the spectra of the MIV and MII halides. The IR and Raman spectra
of the complexes of dihalogermylenes and -stannylenes with triphenylphosphine and 1,4-dioxane also exhibit inversion of the ν(MHal) stretching frequencies. This confirms the conclusion drawn earlier based on the analysis of the geometric parameters and reactivities of the
complexes in question that the divalent state of the M atom in these species is retained.
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