Year 2005, Month 5 (Section Full Articles, Page 1214)
Synthesis of 1,1´-bishydroperoxydi(cycloalkyl) peroxides by homocoupling
of 11—15-membered gem-bis(hydroperoxy)cycloalkanes
in the presence of boron trif luoride*
A. O. Terent´ev, A. V. Kutkin,aM. M. Platonov, Z. A. Starikova,
Yu. N. Ogibin, and G. I. Nikishin
A procedure was developed for the synthesis of 1,1´bishydroperoxydi(C11—C15cycloalkyl)
peroxides based on homocoupling of geminal 11—15-membered bis(hydroperoxy)cycloalkanes
in the presence of BF3•OEt2.
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