Year 2005, Month 5 (Section Full Articles, Page 1250)
New organosiloxanes based on
1-vinyl-2-perf luoroalkoxy-2,3,3-trif luorocyclobutanes
À. Å. Shamaev,* À. À. Glazkov, A. V. Ignatenko, and A. M. Sakharov
A new method for the synthesis of polyfluorinated compounds, viz., chlorosilanes with
2-perfluoroalkoxy-2,3,3-trifluorocyclobutane substituents containing different numbers of
tetrafluoro(ethylene oxide) (CF2CF2O)n units (n = 3—6), was developed. The structures of
siloxanes formed by the hydrolysis of these chlorosilanes were studied: the hydrolysis of
monochlorosilanes affords disiloxanes and that of dichlorosilanes produces cyclotrisiloxanes,
cyclotetrasiloxanes, and cyclic (the number of siloxane units >4) and linear polysiloxanes.
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