Year 2005, Month 5 (Section Full Articles, Page 1322)
Inhibition of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-oxidoreductase
reaction by herbicides and fungicides of various structures
E. A. Saratovskikh,* L. A. Korshunova, R. I. Gvozdev, and A. V. Kulikov
The effect of herbicides (basagran, zenkor, kusagard, roundup, setoxidim, and lontrel and
lontrel complexes with some doubly charged metal ions) and fungicides (tachigaren and tilt)
on the activity of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)-oxidoreductase from the
methylotroph Methylococcus capsulatus (strain M) was studied. All the herbicides and fungicides inhibit the enzyme, differing in the degree and type of inhibition. The inhibition constants Ki for these compounds and for lontrel complexes were determined. A correlation
between the Ki values and the complexation constants of these pesticides with NADH was
established. The studied compounds are toxic.
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