Year 2005, Month 10 (Section Full Articles, Page 2290)
Comparative analysis of methods for determination of structural
characteristics of carbon adsorbents
A. A. Pribylov, L. G. Shekhovtsova, and I. A. Kalinnikova
Experimental data on the equilibrium adsorption of sulfur hexafluoride, methane, carbon dioxide, and benzene on carbon adsorbents of different porosity obtained in a wide pressure range at 298—408 K were analyzed. The adsorption volumes, surface areas, and sizes of slit-shaped pores of the carbons were determined using several independent methods. A method for determination of the adsorption volume from the experimental isotherm of excessive adsorption of gases and the total content equation was proposed. The resulting values are similar to the adsorption volumes calculated from the data for vapors. A new method for the calculation of the adsorbent surface area is described. The method is based on the dependence of the adsorption volume of adsorbent pores on the effective size of adsorbate molecules. A possibility to determine the average size of narrow slit-shaped carbon pores from the difference of the initial heats of adsorption of the gas under study on the carbon black and porous carbon adsorbent is considered.
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