Year 2005, Month 10 (Section Full Articles, Page 2359)
Dynamic behavior of 3a,4,4a,8-tetrahydro-4,4,8,8-tetramethyl-tert-butyl-4-stannaindacene
V. I. Mstislavsky, O. Yu. Savel´ev, and I. P. Gloriozov
The stannotropic rearrangement in 3a,4,4a,8-tetrahydro-4,4,8,8-tetramethyl-tert-butyl-4-stanna-symm-indacene was studied by dynamic NMR spectroscopy. Line-shape analysis of the spectra with the use of various possible schemes of chemical exchange gives similar calculated spectra. The decision between three possible exchange schemes was made based on line-shape analysis, general structural considerations, and quantum chemical calculations. A comparison with the precursor, in which the But group is absent, shows that the presence of this group has an ambiguous effect on the activation barriers of rearrangements.
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