Year 2005, Month 10 (Section Brief Communications, Page 2456)
Synthesis and spectroscopic characteristics of
σ-vinyl derivatives of platinum(IV) chloride complexes
A. A. Shubin (a), R. S. Mitchenko (a,b), T. V. Bezbozhnaya (b), and
A. N. Vdovichenko (b)
A procedure was developed for the synthesis of previously unknown β-chlorovinyl derivatives of PtIV chloride complexes by chloroplatination of terminal alkynes catalyzed by PtII chloride complexes. The reaction is highly stereoselective and gives only the products of trans—anti-addition of platinum and chlorine atoms. The regioselectivity of the catalytic reaction formally corresponds to Markovnikov`s rule, e.g., in alkynes containing electrondonating substituents, platinum attacks the terminal carbon atom. The σ-vinyl derivatives of PtIV chloride complexes were characterized by IR spectroscopy and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy.
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